Security & E-Safety

Protect yourself from e-mail scams

Look out for misspellings and grammatical errors in messages, offers/deals that sound too good to be true, requests for personal/sensitive information like account numbers and other signs of a scam. Turn on a filter that warns you of suspicious Web sites.

Think before you click

Pause before you open attachments or click links in e-mail even if you know the sender, they could be phony. Confirm with the sender that the message is real or visit the official Web site by typing the address yourself.

Install protective software.

When installed, the software should be set to scan your files and update your virus definitions on a regular basis.

Choose strong passwords.

Strong passwords use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to create a mental image or an acronym that is easy for you to remember. Create a different password for each important account, and change passwords regularly.

Protect sensitive data.

Reduce the risk of identity theft. Securely remove sensitive data files from your hard drive, Use the encryption tools built into your operating system to protect sensitive files and encrypt your hard drive with bit locker.


Regular, scheduled backups can protect you from the unexpected. Make sure you have a backup system in place so files can be retrieved if needed.


Set up your computer for automatic software and operating system updates. An unpatched machine is more likely to have software vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

Web filtering

Setup a web filtering system so any unappreciated sites and categories are instantly blocked.

What Total Peace of Mind for your School ?

We provide total peace of mind when it comes to Security and E-Safety for your school. The first step is to have a chat with one of our team. You can call, email or fill in the form with your details to get started.